Maybe Mike Won't Be Left Alone Afterall

So, after 15 weeks of waiting for Medical Clearance from the Peace Corps, it finally came. And as we suspected, we are limited to countries that can accommodate asthma--because Jim has mild asthma.
Jim was able to contact out placement officer, who confirmed that we were scheduled to leave in September for Kyrgyzstan.
Unfortunately, Kyrgyzstan cannot accommodate volunteers with asthma.
So. She told Jim that on Thursday, all the placement officers have a meeting to discuss what openings they have, and she will try to find an assignment for us, leaving as soon as possible. There are like 26ish countries that can have volunteers with asthma.
If she doesn't find a place for us on Thursday, we will find out Monday morning when she calls Jim at work. There is an opening in Southeast Asia that we could have leaving January 11. There is also another opening in March, I don't remember where that one is, but Jim would do business instead of community development.
We haven't decided if we're willing to wait until January, or March to leave.
But I know I said I'd keep folks posted... so... until Monday!
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