Saturday, May 28, 2005

New Z Musik Blog!

A Whole New World
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
I just finished my latest Blog Achievement... the Z Musikmaker Blog! It's the first of two or something sites I'm working on for my family's band... Z Musikmakers. I put a link on the sidebar. Check it out :)

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Weren't we cute?

Jim and Katie almost kissing
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
I found more wedding pictures :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Why is Amtrak so riddiculously unreliable?

I guess you can rely on them to be late. So at the moment, Jim's only going to be 3 hours late. 19 hours on a train... piece of cake, right? Actually, he's probably enjoying it. I just want to pick him up... see him again, ya know. Get on with life.

Waiting waiting waiting...

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Jim Jim Jim Jim

jim 10-18-03
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
So he says he'll be home Wednesday or Thursday. Amen to that.

Next weekend... camping? Star Wars? So many things planned... but what's Jim going to do?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Peace Corps Called Today

Eiffel Tower
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
Our Peace Corps Screening Nurse called today to ask me some questions... THAT MEANS THEY'VE LOOKED AT OUR MEDICAL PAPERWORK!! Too bad that's all it means. Sounds like we're going to be hearing from them more in a day or two, she said she was sending Jim something. Good thing he's coming home early.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Me and the little sis'

Oh the aviators
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
Chris and me, somewhere, with Tecie. We were thinking maybe Jamie's? That time Chris ordered an oreo shake and a strawberry lemonade for dinner?

Strange sisters I have.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Guess what

Scary Jim
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
He's coming home a week early :)

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Jim in army hat
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
Better watch yourself Orlando Bloom.

Kingdom of Heaven

Well... I have two things to say about Kingdom of Heaven...

1. Orlando Bloom is HOT

2. Orlando Bloom without his shirt on is WAY HOT

Actually, it was a pretty good movie considering how much blood and violence it contained. It was fun to hang with Jessica, Star Wars III here we come...!!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Jim and Matt in the snow

Jim and Matt in the snow
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.

I guess the guys didn't bring their skis... go figure... snow in southern May?

And so they had to hitchhike around a chunk of the trail.

2 weeks down, 3 to go.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

What does it mean to be married?

So, you would think I would have asked myself this before... but I guess I'm thinking outside my marriage...not why did I marry Jim, no, this isn't like that. It's a little bit different.

What does it mean to be married?

It means choosing to be spiritually, emotionally, sexually, financially, legally, connected to a single person for the rest of your life.

In a way, it's as an enormous responsibility. A shared responsibility.

I can see how it would be easy to say that if one or all of those things is missing, lost, or unequally distributed in a marriage, then it's time to end it.

But it seems inevitable that one or more, or all of those things will get messed up at one point or another within the span of a marriage. Life is too unpredictable.

So what does it mean to be married? It means choosing to be responsible, and then actually being responsible for all those things I mentioned before.

So who can get married? Any two people equally willing to take on that responsibility.

Who can get divorced? Any two people that failed to truely make that commitment of responsibility in the first place.

Yes, marriage involves loving your spouse, and it means being a family. But there are other ways of loving and being a family.

I don't know.

If half of marriages dissolve in this country... I have to wonder, if we need to adjust the way we think about marriage to compensate for the change, or to strive to make a change.

I really don't know.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Life goes on...

Ok... I'm starting to have a life... starting to think about going to the store and buying dish soap...starting my worksample tomorrow. I'm excited. It'll be fun to really teach again.

Karen and I are going to go camping at the beach later this month. I'm excited... camping with a girl! Car camping's way fun. I should bring Mike... he needs to get out more. But would I have to share my tent? Who knows.

I still miss Jim. He called today. He needs new shoes. His feet have gotten fatter.

Bought tickets for San Diego.

10 points for the Mark O'Connor Fiddle Conference!!

I really need to start practicing...

...maybe tomorrow.