Monday, August 22, 2005

At Kellyclare's request

Select Shots of my new Palace...

Kate's RoomKatie's Room IIGreen BathroomGreen Bathroom IIdining areaFireplaceLiving RoomKitchenKitchen IIYard

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Happy Birthday to me Yesterday

I bought my ipod socks.
IMG_0745ipod sock 2ipod sock 1

Monday, August 15, 2005

Party Party Party

Me and Jim in the DarkTecie and her FriendJim BBQingG&GG

The graduation party was way fun. Family's great. Friends are wonderful. Thank you to everyone who came and made it such a special day!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Dave & Zia's Wedding

What a lovely night it was. Wedding, food, and jamming. After some polka tunes, and awesome fiddling by dear Christiana, we jammed for a long time... til about 11:30. Fun! The food was fabulous. And I thought this was a nice picture of me with my sisters. So alike, yet so different.

It was a family reunion for both of us honey bear!

On a side note.... Jim and I are moving across town! YES! 3 bedrooms baby. YARD. Garage. Sigh. We'll have to have a party.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Things I'd never know without fiddle camp...

Rushad and the 5 of Snive
Originally uploaded by KatieZVoss.
Check out this guy...